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APIs for persistent storage [[start|Link to API4KB Main Page]] * Could be source text * RDF * OWL * ?? * Could be a triple store or other repository * Open * Read * Write * Close * Need to be able to retract facts * Housekeeping * Truth maintenance (may depend on the reasoner) * Explanation support, at least through the interface mechanism ---- Clarification Administration APIs. Even if (also) exposed as services, the knowledge base administration APIs are not "services" in the sense that they provide (computational) capabilities to the client, but rather FOR the client. Moreover, as soon as we expose the APIs as services, there could be more than one client active at the same time. So, the APIs should be: 1) idempotent from the client's perspective 2) stateless from the execution server's perspective 3) stateful from the knowledge-base perspective! I.e. there is a "state", but that is maintained at the KB level only. ---- ***** CreateKB( in URI/URL knowledgeBase, out URL/URI effectiveKnowledgeBaseURI ); Params : knowledgeBase (in) - the desired URI to associate to the (new) KB effectiveKnowledgeBaseURI (out) - the URI assigned to the (new) KB Post-condition : Ensures that a knowledgeBase exists for the given URI (at the given URL??) REST mapping : POST Creates a new knowledge base and associates it to the given URI. If the knowledge base already exists, its URI is returned. TODO: discuss the use of URIs vs URLs ***** SetResourceToKB( in URL knowledgeBase, in URI resourceId, in URL resourceLocation, in Descr resourceDescriptor out TODO ); Params : knowledgeBase (in) : the target KB resourceID (in) : the URI of the new resource resourceLocation (in) : pointer to the actual resource resourceDescriptor (in) : metadata describing the resource Post-condition : Ensures that the target resource (at resourceLocation) is present in a KB and therein identified by resourceId REST mapping : PUT Creates the resource if not present. Otherwise, it replaces the existing resource with the one passed as argument. If the resource at resourceLocation is already mapped to resourceID, nothing will happen. ????? UpdateResourceInKB( in URL knowledgeBase, in URI resourceId, in URL resourceLocation, in Descr resourceDescriptor, out TODO ); REST mapping : POST TODO. This method should be defined. What is the exact semantics of updating a resource in a KB, as opposed to setting it? It could be interpreted in terms of versioning? Or the "old" and "new" resources should be "merged" (whatever that means)? ***** GetResourceFromKB( in URL knowledgeBase, in URI resourceId, out TODO ); Params : knowledgeBase (in) : the target KB resourceID (in) : the URI of the resource to be accessed Post-condition : The KB is not altered REST mapping : GET Retrieves and returns the target resource ( identified by resourceId ) from a KB ***** ExportResourceFromKB( in URL knowledgeBase, in URI resourceId, in URL exportLocation, in Descr resourceDescriptor, out TODO ); Params : knowledgeBase (in) : the target KB resourceID (in) : the URI of the resource to be accessed exportLocation (in) : the location where the resource should be exported resourceDescriptor (in) : metadata to guide the export process Pre-condition : the KB contains the resource mapped by resourceID. The client must have the appropriate rights to write at exportLocation. Integrity : the format specified by resourceDescriptor is compatible with the nature of the resource Post-condition : the exportLocation will contain a serialized copy of the resource mapped by resourceId, as defined by resourceDescriptor. The KB is not altered. REST mapping : POST Exports a resource from a target KB to exportLocation, in the format specified in resourceDescriptor. Any previous content at exportLocation will be overridden. The operation is read-only from the KB's perspective, so the exportLocation can't be part of the KB itself. ***** DeleteResourceFromKB( in URL knowledgeBase, in URI resourceId, out TODO ); Params : knowledgeBase (in) : the target KB resourceID (in) : the URI of the resource to be deleted Pre-condition : the KB contains a resource mapping for resourceID ??? Post-condition : the KB no longer contains a resource mapping for resourceID REST mapping : DELETE Removes a resource from a KB, if present. No effect otherwise ? -------------------------------- The 3 desiderata above, instead, make the Connect / Start Tx / Commit Tx APIs much more questionable. Both from a design - they are too "low-level" to be exposed as services - and architecture perspective - they fail to support multiple clients. ===== Questions ===== * Need to determine how to address incremental changes to knowledge bases (both in memory and persistent) -- do we take a typical RDBMS approach, whereby a complete transaction must be handled by the DB, or a network perspective? * Need to understand how current KBs implement this, including Clark & Parsia for Pellet, Franz for Allegrograph, Revelytix for Mulgara, etc. * Is a given change a standalone modification or part of a group/set of changes? * To take change management seriously, we would have to go far beyond typical RDBMS changes, including branching, etc. * At a minimum, we would have to be able to expose whatever capability a given back-end has for supporting change management * So -- we should know what capabilities a particular KB / reasoner has, which might mean that we should be able to ask whether or not the KB has certain change management capabilities, and then ask it to turn such capabilities on if available * If the KB/reasoner only has partial support for such capabilities, it should "do what it can" * Use case might be cloud-based, where one is selling services including reasoning services, and you may not know whether or not the reasoner can support incremental update ... * This is primarily an issue where there are brokered services, and you are negotiating which service to use based on whether or not that service can provide fully documented change management capabilities * The main issue on the table is whether or not we should be able to query a KB/service to understand what it's capability is -- a meta capability query But the transactionality is a different matter.. I don't think we should drop it altogether. Instead, I would investigate the concurrent versioning systems (such as Git) or, possibly better, the area of optimistic concurrent editing [4]. Does anyone already have some familiarity with these fields - or can anyone suggest other (better) alternatives?

api4kb_persistent_storage.1363547304.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/17 15:08 by admin