===== OMG AI Bibliography ===== **Bibliography of links and papers shared by members; please send new entries to [[ai-chair@omg.org]].** Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): [[https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1V2-S3ugcfO6NMoWzgySjr24M-snz2PWr|AI-powered Chatbots]]: recording and slides from a January 23, 2020 meetup in San Francisco. \\ //The MP4 file at the top is the audiovisual recording of most of the event (86 minutes -- and some questions at the end are cut off). The other files are the slides presented during the event.// Baudoin, Claude (cébé IT & Knowledge Management), Pete Rivett (Adaptive), Bobbin Teegarden (OntoAge) et al.: [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WClmNsL2TeY29hjOaZWrbP9wEj_2KodKFtpkCXmNVA4|Analysis of Responses to NIST's AI Standards RFI]]. \\ //Work in progress. Contains references, with hyperlinks, to the 98 responses received by NIST. We are seeking volunteers to provide short summaries of the responses, and an estimate of their usefulness to OMG's AI work. To obtain the right to edit this document, contact [[claude@omg.org|Claude Baudoin]].// Baudoin, Claude (cébé IT & Knowledge Management): [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?omg/2019-12-02.pptx|AI Meet & Greet Presentation]]. OMG document ai/19-12-02. Presented at OMG meeting in Long Beach, Calif., on December 9, 2019. BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen industrie): [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-05.pdf|BDI Statement on EU White Paper on AI]]. English version via Dr. Karl Gosejacob. OMG document ai/20-06-03, June 2020. Beechinor, Allan F. (Altada Group): [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/19-06-03.pdf|Predictive Analytics in Healthcare]]. OMG document ai/19-06-03. Presented at the AI Platform SIG meeting in Amsterdam in June 2019. Chen, Frank: [[https://a16z.com/2016/06/10/ai-deep-learning-machines/|AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning: A Primer]]. June 2016.\\ //From types of machine intelligence to a tour of algorithms, Frank Chen, head of the Deal and Research team at Andreessen Horowitz (aka "a16z") walks us through the basics (and beyond) of AI and deep learning in this narrated slide presentation. Watch time: 45 minutes.// Data Science Central: [[https://www.datarobot.com/resource/state-ai-bias19/|The State of AI Bias in 2019]]. \\ //DataRobot surveyed more than 350 US- and UK-based CIOs, CTOs, VPs, and IT managers involved in AI and machine learning purchasing decisions to learn how AI is being used by businesses today, current perceptions of AI bias, and what is being done -– or should be done -– to enhance AI bias prevention efforts in the future.// Enterprise Knowledge Graph Foundation (EKGF): [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT3PNhPzEm4&feature=youtu.be|EKGF Launch Webinar]]. 23 June 2020, 55 minutes. European Commission Independent High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: [[https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=60419|Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI]]. April 2019, 41 pages. Overview and versions in other EU languages available [[https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/ethics-guidelines-trustworthy-ai|here]]. Federal Register: [[https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/05/01/2019-08818/artificial-intelligence-standards|Artificial Intelligence Standards -- A Notice by the National Institute of Standards and Technology on 05/01/2019]] \\ //This publication contains the 2019 NIST RFI.// Finin, Prof. Tim: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-06.pdf|Semantic Knowledge Graphs for Cybersecurity]]. OMG document ai/20-06-06, June 2020. Gosejacob, Dr. Karl: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-04.pdf|Some Thoughts on Sampling with AI]]. OMG document ai/20-06-04, June 2020. Hailey, Victoria: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-07.pdf|AI Ethics Standards Landscape]]. OMG document ai/20-06-07, June 2020. Hall, Curt: [[https://experts.cutter.com/acton/ct/19169/s-0c5b-2001/Bct/q-6ce3/l-004d:79e8/ct0_0/1?sid=TV2%3Adm658EQMo|Organizations Eye Smartbots and Intelligent Assistants for CX Initiatives]]. Cutter Consortium Advisor, January 2020. IEEE Computer Society: [[https://ieeecs-media.computer.org/media/marketing/cedge_digital/ce-feb20-final.pdf|Computing Edge]], February 2020. Contains the following AI-related articles: * //From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Wisdom: What Socrates Teaches Us// by Tae Wan Kim (Carnegie Mellon University) and Santiago Mejia (Fordham University), pp. 8--12 * //Think Your Artificial Intelligence Software Is Fair? Think Again// by Rachel K.E. Bellamy et al. (IBM Research), pp. 14--18 * //Artificial Intelligence for Law Enforcement: Challenges and Opportunities// by Stephan Raaijmakers (TNO), pages 20--23 * //Robot Science Writers// by Charles Day (//Physics Today//), page 24 International Organization for Standards (ISO): [[https://www.iso.org/standard/77610.html|ISO/IEC TR 24030:2021, Artificial Intelligence Use Cases]] Johnston, Alan T.: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-01.pdf|ISO 18101 Interoperability with Digital Twins and AI]]. OMG document ai/20-06-01, June 2020. Johnston, Alan T.: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-02.pdf|ISO TC 184/WG 6/N 8, Ontologies Position Paper]]. OMG document ai/20-06-02, June 2020. Johnston, Alan T.: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/20-06-03.pdf|ISO TC 184 Ad Hoc Group on Data Architecture of the Digital Twin]]. OMG document ai/20-06-03, June 2020. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): [[https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2019/08/10/ai_standards_fedengagement_plan_9aug2019.pdf|U.S. Leadership in AI:A Plan for Federal Engagement in Developing Technical Standards and Related Tools]]. August 2019, 48 pages. OMG: [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?omg/2019-09-03.pdf|OMG AI Standards Strategy]]. OMG document omgi/19-09-03. Adopted by the OMG Board of Directors in September 2019. OMG: [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b1CIqiu88f7ECo2R-GlmAcY00tqsLz92|OMG Response to NIST RFI on AI Standards]]. June 2019. Perey, Christine ([[https://thearea.org/|AREA]]): [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/2019-09-03.pdf|Enterprise Augmented Reality Today and Tomorrow]]. OMG document ai/19-09-03, September 2019. Perey, Christine ([[https://thearea.org/|AREA]]): [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/2019-09-04.pdf|Augmented Reality Interoperability Requirements Workshop]]. OMG document ai/19-09-04, September 2019. Poole, David L. and Alan K. Mackworth: [[https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~poole/aibook/2e/html/ArtInt2e.html|Artificial Intelligence:Foundations of Computational Agents]], 2nd Edition. Free e-book. Shavit, Nir: [[https://neuralmagic.com/resources/on-demand-webinars/big-brain-burnout/|Big Brain Burnout: What’s Wrong with AI Computing?]]. Neural Magic webinar, September 2020. TopQuadrant: [[https://www.topquadrant.com/project/knowledge-graphs-vs-property-graphs/|Knowledge Graphs vs. Property Graphs - Similarities, Differences and Some Guidance on Capabilities]]. 2020, 24 pages. Vaidyanathan, Narayanan: [[https://www.accaglobal.com/uk/en/professional-insights/technology/Explainable_AI.html|Explainable AI: Putting the user at the core]]. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), February 2020. Executive summary by Charlie Hoffman [[http://xbrl.squarespace.com/journal/2020/2/17/acca-explainable-ai-putting-the-user-at-the-core.html|here]]. Vogel, Andreas (SAP): [[https://www.omg.org/members/cgi-bin/doc?ai/19-06-05.pdf|Reference Model for AI Ethics]]. OMG document ai/19-06-05, June 2019. Zicari, Roberto (University of Frankfurt): [[http://www.bigdata.uni-frankfurt.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Zicari.Google.Talk_.2019.pdf|Z-inspection - toward a Process to assess Ethical AI]]. September 2019. Zicari, Roberto (University of Frankfurt): [[http://www.odbms.org/blog/2020/02/on-ai-for-insurance-and-risk-management-interview-with-sastry-durvasula/|On AI for Insurance and Risk Management: An Interview with Sastry Durvasula]]. ODBMS Industry Watch, February 2020.