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Notes from 16 January 2023

Return to 2023 AI PTF Teleconference Notes


This meeting was inadvertently convened on a U.S. holiday, preventing at least one person from attending. The participants were:

Meeting Overview

A set of five teleconferences were organized in the first quarter of 2023 to make progress, with the following suggested topics:


Taxonomy Content

The Dokuwiki implementation of the current draft taxonomy within the private pages of this AI PTF wiki was demonstrated to Ademola, who expressed interest in working on this. Claude also showed the current state of the IEEE P3123 working group's AI terminology and Ademola asked for access. Claude e-mailed the Secretary of the P3123 WG to request those privileges for Ademola.

Taxonomy Representation

We discussed (in her absence) Elisa's intent to use this taxonomy as a use case for the new Multiple Vocabulary Facility (MVF) specification. Nick said that he would like to know what the desired format is, so he might write the JavaScript code to export the wiki content as an MVF file.

We also discussed the need for users who are not ontology/taxonomy experts to edit the taxonomy. This was partially based on finding that moving a taxon from one place to another is not obvious, even in the wiki. Nick should create a simple explanation of how to do that in the “Administrivia” section of the taxonomy pages.

Claude reminded others that he had created a graphical visualization of an earlier version of the taxonomy (shown as a hyperbolic tree by the Unilexicon tool), and said he could revive and update it, but that tool only has limited capabilities. This led Nick to suggest that we should capture the requirements for a good vocabulary management tool. Claude said that this is an interesting idea, but it is not specific to AI so that it would be a deliverable (discussion paper?) for the Ontology PSIG.

Risk Model

Karl said that he is interested in working on an AI risk model. This work should take into account the classification contained in the draft EU AI Act, as well as the NIST AI Risk Management Framework.

(Note that IEEE had started a study group in Q3 2022 about “AI implementation risk tiers” to respond to the NIST framework, but that effort was shut down because the study group was small but couldn't agree on the scope, or even on what “implementation risk tiers” really meant. While this should serve as a cautionary note, it also means that there is no overlap with or competition from IEEE if we do this.)


Several action items are mentioned in the above text.

The next meeting is on 30 January 2023.