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OMG Space Domain Task Force Wiki

Welcome to the OMG Space Domain Task Force (SDTF).

Next Event

The Space DTF will meet online Tuesday through Thursday during the 23Q2 OMG meeting, June 20-22, 2023, in Orlando, FL. The agendas will be available via the OMG Events page. Registered attendees are able to attend either in-person or remotely. Registration is available via the OMG website.

Plenary topics are detailed on the Space DTF Agenda page.


Space professionals committed to greater interoperability, reduction in costs, schedule, and risk for space applications through increased space standardization.

Space Standards in Context

Space Domain Task Force Poster The Space Domain Task Force is fostering interoperability by building the standards to operate modern spacecraft. Check out the poster to the right that was showcased our progress and future specifications that was presente during the recent Ground System Architecture Workshop (GSAW) Conference in El Segundo, California.


  • Clarify space, satellite and ground system requirements
  • Provide a transparent space standards development environment, open to participation by all.
  • Encourage the development and use of Model-Driven specifications that allow future-proofing of space systems.
  • Encourage continued space industry member participation to leverage existing OMG specifications.

Ongoing Activities

  • Use the Object Management Group (OMG) technology adoption process to specify interfaces for software components, services, and frameworks in space applications.
  • Lever existing OMG specifications.
  • Involve all interested members of the OMG in the OMG Space Domain Task Force.
  • Issue RFIs, RFPs and RFCs for technology relevant to space.
  • Identify relevant standards, architectures, research and technologies in space applications.
  • Assist and advise the Liaison Sub-Committee regarding its relationship with related Standards Organizations and Consortia.
  • Participate and present in other space industry consortia to encourage further OMG participation.



  • We are currently drafting multiple RFPs as detailed in the RFIs/RFPs section.

Previous Meeting

The OMG SpaceDTF met in Reston, VA on March 21-23, 2023. Here are the meeting highlights:

  • Performed overview of current specification status for all Space-related specifications
  • Discussed future RFPs
  • Held RTF working sessions for XTCE, XUSP, GEMS, CSRM, SOLM, and C2MS


start.1683765224.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/10 20:33 by justin.boss